A Literary Study of Genesis
Audio Sermon Series
This is a series of sermons preached by Dr. Warren Gage at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 2007-2008.
Your Instructor
Dr. Warren A. Gage holds a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a J.D. from SMU School of Law, and a Ph.D. in philosophy and literature from the University of Dallas. He also completed a year of post-graduate study at Tübingen University in Germany. He worked for twelve years as a trial attorney and was national counsel for a Fortune 400 defense contractor. For the next twelve years, he was a Professor of Old Testament at Knox Theological Seminary. He currently serves as President of the Alexandrian Forum.
Course Curriculum
A Sermon Series on Genesis by Dr. Warren Gage
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PreviewSermon 1: In the Beginning - An Exposition of Genesis 1:1-13
PreviewSermon 2: The End of History - An Exposition of Genesis 1:14-2:3
PreviewSermon 3: The Garden of God's Goodness - An Exposition of Genesis 2:4-17
StartSermon 4: The Gift of a Bride - An Exposition of Genesis 2:18-25
StartSermong 5: The Fall of Lucifer - An Exposition of Isaiah 14:4-21
StartSermon 6: The Fall of Satan - An Exposition of Ezekiel 28:11-19
StartSermon 7: The Fall of Man - An Exposition of Genesis 3:1-7
StartSermon 8: The Promise of a Dragonslayer - An Exposition of Genesis 3:8-16
StartSermon 9: Paradise Lost - An Exposition of Genesis 3:20-24
StartSermon 10: Am I My Brother's Keeper? - An Exposition of Genesis 4:1-15
StartSermon 11: The City of Cain - An Exposition of Genesis 4:15-24
StartSermon 12: The City of God - An Exposition of Genesis 4:25-5:32
StartSermon 13: The Days of Noah - An Exposition of Genesis 6:1-12
StartSermon 14: This sermon will be posted April 15, 2020.