A Literary Study of Matthew
Audio Bible Study
In this Bible Study, Dr. Gage examines the Gospel of Matthew chapter by chapter, using a literary approach to Scripture that highlights how individual passages fit together in the context of the book as a whole. Matthew's grand theme is to present Jesus as a prophet greater than Moses and as a king greater than David. Take part in this study of how the Gospel writer portrays Christ's royal destiny!
Your Instructor
Dr. Warren A. Gage holds a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a J.D. from SMU School of Law, and a Ph.D. in philosophy and literature from the University of Dallas. He also completed a year of post-graduate study at Tübingen University in Germany. He worked for twelve years as a trial attorney and was national counsel for a Fortune 400 defense contractor. For the next twelve years, he was a Professor of Old Testament at Knox Theological Seminary. He currently serves as President of the Alexandrian Forum.
Course Curriculum
PreviewLesson 1: Introduction to Matthew, Part 1
PreviewLesson 2: Introduction to Matthew, Part 2
PreviewLesson 3: Matthew's Genealogy of Christ
StartLesson 4: The Nativity Account of Jesus
StartLesson 5: John the Baptist and Jesus' Baptism
StartLesson 6: The Temptation of Jesus & the Calling of the Disciples
StartLesson 7: Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
StartLesson 8: The Sermon on the Mount, Part 1: Jesus' Upside Down Kingdom
StartLesson 9: The Sermon on the Mount, Part 2: Jesus' Upside Down Kingdom
StartLesson 10: The Sermon on the Mount, Part 3: Jesus' Upside Down Kingdom
StartLesson 11: The Lord's Prayer
StartLesson 12: Living in Light of God as Our Father
StartLesson 13: Living in Light of the Lord's Prayer
StartLesson 14: The Early Miracles
StartLesson 15: Jesus' Healing Ministry
StartLesson 16: Jesus' Second Discourse
StartLesson 17: The Doubting of John the Baptist
StartLesson 18: Sabbath Controversies
StartLesson 19: Confrontation with the Pharisees
StartLesson 20: Jesus' Third Discourse
StartLesson 21: The Beheading of John the Baptist
StartLesson 22: The Petrine Triplex
StartLesson 23: Matthew Chapter 15
StartLesson 24: Peter's Confession of Christ & the Transfiguration
StartLesson 25: Jesus' Fourth Discourse
StartLesson 26: The Law of Divorce
StartLesson 27: Greatness in the Kingdom
StartLesson 28: The Triumphal Entry & Two Parables of Rejection